A minimal web app developed with Flask framework & SQLite3.
The main purpose is to upload texts or photos that is really funny.
Easy Register without emails etc.
Easy to use.
Very fast.
Mobile compatible
Soon Updates
- Make profile page
- Show public photos
- Add reactions to posts
- Make hashtags and page that load all posts from the clicked hashtag
- Make links on navbar
- Make links on public page for users and posts
How to Run
Step 1: Make sure you have Python packages flask, hashlib, and sqlite3 installed.
Step 2: Run
git clone
Step 3: Go to this app’s directory and run
Step 4: Open one new terminal while the other one is up for our cron that sync our project with git repo
Step 5: Go to this app’s directory and run
sudo python3
(use sudo because our app run on 80 port)